SECTION 1 - The format of the database This file is intended to be a quick overview of the "MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE (MIBS)" product in this database, the associated classifications and the packages under each classification. Below is a sample snapshot of a few classifications and their associated packages. For questions about how to add a new classification and their associated packages, please contact the owner of the MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE (MIBS) FILES product. o MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE (MIB) FILES "This generic product designation is intended to facilitate the organization of MIB files and related documents in the eSS database. Most likely it will not be externalized to the outside world via the support device list (e.g. - 2216, 2210, etc.) Rather, the particiular NHD devices will have pointers to the packages here." - ALL DOCUMENTATION "This ALL classification is intended for any packages that apply to network management and SNMP MIBs for all the other classifications." SNMP: MIB INTRODUCTION "This package contains the file you are reading right now." - 2216 ENTERPRISE SPECIFIC V3R1 "This classification is intended for a specific release level of a specific NHD device. There will be equivalent classifications for subsequent release levels of the same device. A similar format should be followed for other NHD devices that archive MIBs in this database." SNMP: PROTEON.MIB - PROTEON ROUTING "This package is an example of a single MIB that is unique (hence, enterprise specific) to the 2216 at a given release level. There will be other packages under the above classification for each MIB." - STANDARD MIBS "This classification is intended for a standard MIBs that may be common across a large number f NHD devices. If a particular device does not want to use the MIB packages under this classification, then they should put their version of the MIB under their enterprise specific classification." SNMP: RFC1243.MIB - APPLETALK "This package is an example of a single MIB that is a common standard and applies to many NHD devices. There will be other packages under the STANDARD MIBS classification." SECTION 2 - A few words regarding naming conventions To keep some order in this database, particularly in the shared STANDARD MIBS classification, the following naming convention is required for the STANDARD MIBS classification, and highly recommended for the enterprise specific classifications. o FILE NAME rfc#### - For all IETF standard MIBs draftxxxx - For all IETF Internet drafts ibmxxxx - For all MIBs defined by development areas or IBM architecture. atmfxxxx - For all ATM Forum MIBs. "company"xxxx - For any defacto standard MIBs defined by other companies or organizations (e.g. - Novell IPX MIB) o FILE TYPE .mib - For any MIB presented in SMIv1, whether it be native or converted from SMIv2. .mi2 - For any MIB presented in SMIv2. .txt - The raw MIB source, including text and page breaks (e.g. - As IETF RFC MIBs are published)